New Moon Meditation
Yesterday a dear friend shared a piece by Chani Nicholas on the New Moon in Scorpio today. In shamanic work, we talk about how everything in our external world mirrors something back to us. It’s in those mirrors that we have a beautiful and sometimes difficult opportunity to get the message about something in our own lives and our own personal work. What do we do with that message or reflection?
When I read the piece by Chani Nicholas, I was immediately struck by the following, “It is up to us to break the spells that keep us asleep to our own magic.” Not surprisingly, this is a theme I’ve been working with in my own life lately while at the same seeing my clients courageously take it on in their own healing work. Chani goes on to articulate the many origins of these spells, including what I would call consensual reality norms and imprints that result in holding ourselves back.
Reading that sentence, there is a literal component absolutely. But what about the Mythic? How does that sentence feel to you? For me, it was a call to action. It was exactly what Spirit knew I needed in order to gain some clarity and take some action. After all, don’t we all want to not only recognize our own magic but also feel free to express it in the world? That’s not always easy, but it’s what shamanic work is really about in so many ways.
So with the New Moon, be brave. Be open. When you judge yourself, love yourself instead. Invite yourself to take that path that has been calling to you. Look at where you are on the Wheel. What do you need to shed? What fear can you work with and turn into a much appreciated ally? How can you integrate the healing you have been championing for yourself? What is the opportunity here to transcend that which has kept you from believing in yourself and in your ability to co-create a new way forward?
Remember that when we do our work, when we shift, we cause a ripple effect that shifts the world around us. So gently remind yourself that it doesn’t matter what is happening out there right now. Turn your focus inward for a moment and see what you can claim for yourself and your Soul. Believe that you are loved and you are worthy, and what you create is also.
In the spirit of the New Moon, I have taken the first step of creating a social media presence for Soul Path Shamanic on Facebook (and soon Instagram) along with a new community blog. I want to thank you all for being courageous clients and for inspiring me every day. If you’d prefer to not receive these writings and musings, just unsubscribe below.
So with you, I greet the New Moon: Mama Quilla, A-ho! Help us all awaken to our own magic and then share it with the world for the benefit of everyone.