Shamanic Resources

I’m often asked about good books, where to buy supplies for homework and ceremony, and training, This list is by no means exhaustive, but these are resources and practitioners that I recommend. I’ve organized everything into 5 categories below: shamanic supplies for session and mythic homework, reading recommendations, shamanic training, astrology, and herbalism. As always, if you’re lucky enough to have local sources, all the better.


As shaman we use a wide array of tools including Florida Water, Sage, Sweetgrass, Rattles, Crystals and more. It’s important to source from a reputable company or individual. I always encourage clients to seek out local resources if at all possible. But, Shamans Market (link below) is a wonderful and conscientious resource.

If you are using florida water in your mouth, as I do, then I would urge you to look at low alcohol formulas or ones that specifically mention that they are good for use in that manner. Stay tuned because I plan on offer low alcohol Florida Water here soon!

Shaman's Market:  The sites below are suggestions, but are certainly not exhaustive. Try finding a local resource in your area.

Rider Waite Deck : For Tarot, I use the Rider Waite deck for sessions and ask all energy healing clients have this deck while they work with me. I use the pocket size for readings and the original larger size for altars. Below is the link for the pocket size deck. Like me, I’m sure you have many decks but Rider Waite is required for session work.


This list is not exhaustive by any means, but it does include authors and shaman whose books have been invaluable to me. They are a good starting point.

Elaine La Joie, Empath as Archetype

Alberto Villoldo, Shaman, Healer, Sage

Alberto Villoldo, The Four Insights

Riso and Hudson, Personality Types: Using the Enneagram for Self-Discovery

Martha Beck, Finding Your Way in a Wild New World

Caroline Myss, Anatomy of the Spirit

Anodea Judith, Wheels of Life

Sonia Choquette, Psychic Pathway

Sonia Choquette, Your Heart's Desires: Instructions for Creating the Life You Really Want

Barbara Brennan, Hands of Light

Donna Eden, Energy Medicine

Kay Cordell Whitaker, The Reluctant Shaman

Rosalee de la Forêt: The Alchemy of Herbs


If you're interested in formal training that will, for example, enable you to become a Mesa Carrier, here are some recommendations to get you started. Training can be a powerful complement to session work, and can also be very intense so be aware of where you are in the process and what your system can handle. As with all shamanic work, be prepared for and open to change. Definitely reach out to me with any questions you may have about training.

Kimmapii School Of Shamanism: Marv and Shanon Harwood offer classes in both Energetic and Animistic Shamanism. If you’re interested in becoming a Mesa carrier or creating an Amopistaan, I highly recommend their training. I first trained with them in 2010 and continue to do so.

The Four Winds: Shaman, author, and medical anthropologist Dr. Alberto Villoldo started this groundbreaking school that teaches globally. Both my shamanic mentors trained at The Four Winds.

Sacred Pathways: Wake and Kinlen Wheeler offer both individual and group classes in Yachats, Oregon.


In shamanic work, we look at our mythic maps and how to heal them. Our astrological chart is another way of looking at our mythic map and a wonderful complement to shamanic work.

Natural Wisdom: Ji Hyang Padma is a shaman, buddhist monk and astrologer. Working with her on my chart was truly eye-opening.

Vibrational Astrology: Aurora has developed vibrational astrology to empower people using both astrology and energetics.


I’ve recently been fortunate to learn from all the herbalists listed below. As a shaman, I work with plant allies as an important part of my practice and the opportunity to deepen that relationship is so important to my work as well as to my health.

Herbs with Rosalee: Rosalee de la Foret is a Herbalist and teacher. She is also the author of Alchemy of Herbs and Wild Remedies.

Wonder Botanica: Rebecca Altman is a Herbalist, writer and teacher. She is the former proprietor of Kings Road Apothecary and has shapeshifted her practice into Wonder Botanica, which I love.

One Willow Apothecaries: Asia Suler is an herbalist, writer and teacher.